Sunday, December 19, 2010

New Years OM

It's that time of year again. The Qtouch Ascended Masters Choir is back together for one more performance.

Welcome the New Year with this Om and Chime Meditation. Experience the Om Chorus of the Qtouch Ascended Masters Choir™ mixed with gentle Tibetan Bells to open and enhance your awareness. Increase relaxation and focus with Theta brainwave patterns combined with the sound of Om in the 20-minute meditation experience. Ring in the new year with Om and Chimes. This music meditation is enhanced with Qtouch-MuSync™ Theta brainwave patterns.

Preview: Here

Only $3.99 in mp3 format.

Load directly on your mp3 player or iPod. Burn to CD. Stereo Headphones recommended. Give your full attention and intention to the entrainment experience and meditation.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Qtouch-MuSync technology explained

Qtouch-MuSync™ FAQ

What can brainwave entrainment do for me?

Qtouch-MuSync™ brainwave patterns technology uses binaural beats encoding mixed with music and ambient nature sounds for an enhanced meditative state.
  • Quiet Mental Chatter

  • Relax Mind and Body

  • Clear Mental Fog

  • Reduce Mental Fatigue

  • Boost Enegry

  • Open your self to greater possibilities

  • Reach deeper levels of meditation

  • Over come creative blocks

  • Gain Insight

  • Improve Memory

  • Increase Creativity

  • Expand Awareness

  • Accelerate healing

  • Reduce Fears and Anxiety

  • Do I need to listen with headphones?

  • Each Meditation is unique. Headphones are recommended for some selections and not required for others.

  • It is more important to give you full attention and intention to each process.

  • Find a quiet, interruption free space.

  • Which product is right for me?

  • Each selection can be previewed by clicking on the play button. Find one that you feel comfortable with.

  • Also read the information about brain wave patterns and find the one that cooresponds to your goal.

  • Take a chance. Trust the universe to lead you to what you truly need right now.

  • How do I download?

  • Try it for free. Go to the free download page and try it yourself. It's fun and easy to do.

  • Will this work or my computer or mp3 player?

  • Try it for free. Go to the free download page and try it yourself. Enjoy your free meditation music today.

  • Does this really work?

  • Yes! It has been clinically proven and well documented. See the Suggested Reading page for more information.

  • What Brainwave pattern should I use?

  • Alpha: 7-12 Hz: Creativity | Relaxation | Visualization

  • Truly relaxed, Awareness expands, Creativity Increases

  • Beta: 12-40 Hz: Concentration | Alertness | Cognition

  • Wide Awake, Alert, Focused Concentration, Attention

  • Gamma: 40 Hz+ Precognition | Clarity | Perception

  • Cognition, Super Consciousness

  • Delta: 1-4 Hz: Sleep | Healing

  • Deep Sleep, Healing due to release of stress, Restorative Sleep

  • Theta: 4-7Hz: Intuition | Memory | Meditation

  • Dream state, Inspiration, Enhanced Learning, ESP, Magick

    Qtouch-MuSync™ brainwave patterns technology uses binaural beats encoding mixed with music and ambient nature sounds for an enhanced meditative state. 

    Experience Qtouch-MuSync™ at:

    Friday, November 05, 2010

    Wednesday, August 11, 2010

    Saturday, August 07, 2010

    Sunday, July 11, 2010

    Quantum Vision

    Quantum Vision Music Video Meditation - featuring Theta Brainwave Entrainment.

    Coming soon on DVD at:

    Saturday, June 26, 2010

    Brainwave Entrainment

    Brainwave Entrainment and Binaural Beats can change your attitude and your life.

    Tuesday, June 15, 2010


    Beyond Karma is a great resource. Check out

    "Rather than analyzing and categorizing and labeling and trying to understand, what if you go beyond that? The mind wants to categorize, and say this is thought and this isn’t. This is mind and this isn’t. But it is the mind trying to do all this understanding, when the mind cannot understand this. The mind knows how to compare, analyze, label, and categorize. It doesn’t know how to go beyond itself."

    Saturday, June 12, 2010

    Belief Systems

    Beyond Your Belief System

    Living without limits.

    What is holding you back? Nothing but what you believe.

    Ideas for a new book perhaps.

    We don't need more techniques or rules. Learning a new technique like a 33-second manifestation ritual or visualizing sympathetic orbs of energy really only benefit the teacher you pay for this "new improved" information. Get over it. There is no key you are missing, no secret out there, no undiscovered element. You are it. Deal with it - Now.

    Sunday, June 06, 2010


    Night Sky
    This soundtrack from the Shaman’s Elemental Journey is brought to life with this amazing Music Video Meditation. Featuring swirling clouds and spacious skies, mixed with Theta wave brain entrainment frequencies, the Night Sky Shaman’s Journey becomes a complete Open Eye Meditation.

    Amaze yourself. Experience Night Sky by Wizardnow. Coming soon on Qtouch DVD.

    Sonic Vision

    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    Now Reiki Now

    "Once, Reiki. Then, Quantum-Touch. Now Reiki."
    -Dennis Rudolph

    Saturday, May 22, 2010

    Qtouch Sound Healing Meditation

    Free Healing Sounds Music Meditation available at:
    See the link at the bottom of the page. You can click on it to hear it or right-click and save target as on a PC or control-click and save file as on a MAC to download it.

    Please share it with others too.

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    What does Qtouch mean?

    The name Qtouch came from a realization that at the Quantum level we are all connected. So, in a way everything is touched by everything. Sometimes it is called Entanglement. I call it Oneness. At the Quantum Level we are all "Touched". Wake up to that knowledge.

    Qtouch is not a short version of Quantum-Touch and never was.

    Tuesday, May 18, 2010

    Now Reiki Manual

    Reviews of Now Reiki:

    More than a book,this is a complete Now Reiki workshop, distilling the essence of Reiki at it's best into an experience that can transform the student into an experienced focuser of lifeforce energy.

    And if you're not careful, you just might find yourself awakening to who You really are in the process.

    All in all, very highly recommended.

    Dennis George Rudolph
    Reiki Master (& a bunch of other stuff)

    Sunday, May 09, 2010

    Quantum Touch Spam

    I recently received email from Quantum-Touch :

    Back in February Richard Gordon was a guest speaker on the Living Energy Secrets teleseminar series.

    Well, the series just ended, but they added so many new listeners since I was on, they've decided to offer a replay of my talk this weekend. It will be available from now until midnight on Sunday.

    If you opt in at this link, you'll be taken straight to the replay page: - THE LINK IN SPAM
    It does not take you straight to the replay page. It takes you to a page where you can sign up to listen to all kinds of "crap".

    I wrote QT admin and said that the email they were sending out was SPAM. It did not send you to a replay page.

    The reply I received was:

    Quantum-Touch, Nicole Miller to William

    Do you wish to be removed from our mailing list?

    I keep forgetting that they just don't care. They do what they do and are not interested in any other opinions.

    Futhermore:(more email from QT admin)

    Dear Bill,
    We are hearing your concerns expressed on the message board and would like to invite you to discuss any concerns and ask us any questions directly to either myself or Jennifer.

    We also wanted to remind you that, as a certified practitioner and/or instructor, you represent QT, along with your own practices, and as such, it is both professional and courteous to exemplify a positive role (and be positive role models) for the QT Community. Expressions of public discontent with Quantum-Touch on the Message Board is not appropriate or respective of Quantum-Touch. We kindly ask that you represent QT (and yourselves) in a positive manner and bring concerns and questions to us directly. Failure to do so will result in removal of your access from the QT Groupee Message Board and permanent removal of your certifications.

    I did not reply to this email immediately. At one time I had over 65 posts on the board. Since they starting taking threads down, I only had 12 left. I have since removed all my other posts except for the 2 threads I started - one on music and one on dog chakras.

    My response finally was:


    Of the 65 posts I made to the message board most are now gone because you removed the entire threads. My most recent post to the message board was in a thread about QT2. Someone asked about it.

    I said that, "It's new, improved, and costs more."

    What part of what I wrote is not the truth?
    What part of what I wrote is negative?

    Now they never responded the that email either. I truly have to cut the cord with these clowns and move on.

    I updated my Quantum_Touch bio today. I removed any mention about how I enjoyed sharing Quantum_Touch or teaching the Basic class. Now my bio is just a group of links to my other projects.

    I won't even go on the message board anymore and have unsubscribed to their email lists. It looks like they sold our email lists to L....F....

    Wednesday, May 05, 2010

    Now Reiki Manual

    Finally everything about Now Reiki in one book complete with meditations.

    Now Reiki Manual

    Universal Energy and the Stillness of Now


    Five Music Meditations including:

    Chakra Activation Guided Meditation

    Transformation Music Meditation

    New Beginning Music Meditation

    Attunement Music Meditation

    Grounding Music Meditation

    Includes Now Reiki Master Certificate

    Become the Master you truly are.

    Teaching Quantum-Touch

    I have decided to no longer teach Quantum-Touch as a certified QT instructor. I prefer not to lead others down the current Quantum-Touch Inc. path. I don't trust the company basically and choose not to recommend it. On the other hand, I can recommend the techniques - whether you learn the from the Quantum-Touch book, or earlier books on energy healing, or from an certified (or not certified)instructor, or in a Satori on a mountain top like Dr. Usui the founder of Reiki.

    Here is a post from Marco (a QTI from Italy used by permission):
    Teaching Quantum-Touch

    A few years ago I ordered a japanese recipe book. When I received it, I tried some very simple recipe: the outcome was no less that incredible, so I decided to invite a few friends of mine to savour some of those dishes. They loved them, and me!

    Unfortunately none of them could read japanese and there was no way for them to learn how to prepare those wonderful dishes other than learning from me. I organized a workshop and I showed them how to do. Now they all can prepare and enjoy those dishes.

    Everybody can buy a recipe book and organize a workshop to show other people how to prepare dishes described in a book. It can even be done for money, without owing anything to the author!

    Is “Quantum-Touch – The power to heal” any different from a recipe book?

    Everybody can teach the techniques – recipes - described in that book, without infringing any rights of the author! Perhaps the only people in the world who cannot teach the complete set of those techniques are 'active' QT Instructors, because they are bound with an agreement with QT, Inc. that includes a syllabus for QT basic workshops.

    But here is the GOOD NEWS: all certified instructors who do not pay the recently imposed annual fee become free to teach whatever technique they want from “Quantum-Touch – The power to heal” recipe book, and charge whatever they deem fair.

    Let's spread the power of QT!

    Quantum-Touch Inc. response was:

    Dear Marco,
    We are hearing your concerns expressed on the message board ...

    QT can be shared by all. If someone would like course credit, then they would need to take a valid workshop.
    Please remember that there is a distinction between the Quantum-Touch techniques and the structure of the Quantum-Touch organization. The techniques, love, energy are freely available and a product of Spirit. On the other hand, the cost of the workshop, becoming a practitioner, etc. is an energy exchange to support the costs in developing the techniques, producing the workshops, maintaining the organization, and allowing the structure necessary so that others can teach and practice the modality.
    We also wanted to remind you that, as a certified practitioner and/or instructor, you represent QT, along with your own practices, and as such, it is both professional and courteous to exemplify a positive role (and be positive role models) for the QT Community.

    Expressions of public discontent with Quantum-Touch on the Message Board is not appropriate or respective of Quantum-Touch. We kindly ask that you represent QT (and yourselves) in a positive manner and bring concerns and questions to us directly. Failure to do so will result in removal of your access from the QT Groupee Message Board and permanent removal of your certifications.

    The message contains some very interesting statements:
    1. QT can be shared by all
    2. The techniques are freely available
    3. ONLY if someone would like course credit, then they would need to take a valid workshop (a workshop taught by certified and active instructor)

    4. Failure to represent QT in a positive manner and bring concerns and questions to and will result in permanent removal of certifications.

    So discontent or disagreement can get you excommunicated.

    Monday, May 03, 2010

    Recipe for Quantum Touch

    A few years ago I ordered a japanese recipe book. When I received it, I tried some very simple recipe: the outcome was no less that incredible, so I decided to invite a few friends of mine to savour some of those dishes. They loved them, and me!

    Unfortunately none of them could read japanese and there was no way for them to learn how to prepare those wonderful dishes other than learning from me. I organized a workshop and I showed them how to do. Now they all can prepare and enjoy those dishes.

    Everybody can buy a recipe book and organize a workshop to show other people how to prepare dishes described in a book. It can even be done for money, without owing anything to the author!

    Is “Quantum-Touch – The power to heal” any different from a recipe book?

    Everybody can teach the technics – recipes - described in that book, without infringing rights of the author! Perhaps the only people in the world who cannot teach the complete set of those technics are 'active' QT Instructors, because they are bound with an agreement with QT, Inc. that includes a syllabus for QT basic workshops.

    But here is the GOOD NEWS: all certified instructors who do not pay the recently imposed annual fee become free to teach whatever technique they want from “Quantum-Touch – The power to heal” recipe book, and charge whatever they deem fair.

    Let's spread the power of QT!
    From Marco in Italy as posted on the QT message board.

    Saturday, May 01, 2010

    Qtouch Energetics

    Time to move on. I am not going to waste anymore Energy on Quantum-Touch's troubles and failings. Moving on to Qtouch Energetics.

    Just take what you need and leave the rest. - The Band

    Friday, April 30, 2010

    Quantum Touch Censorship

    Here is the explanation QT Inc. gave for removing the posts recently:

    A message to the message board community from the staff at Quantum-Touch, Inc.

    Quantum-Touch, Inc. provides the message board as a means for like minded people to communicate about Quantum-Touch in a safe and respectful manner, share experiences, and techniques. Quantum-Touch, Inc. is happy to provide the message board to visitors and registered users free of a monthly charge to enhance your experience with Quantum-Touch!

    As stated in our terms of service, viewing of and/or participation on the board is a privilege. Quantum-Touch, Inc. reserves the right to modify the board and/or member access at any time and at our discretion.

    We have recently removed several discussions regarding Quantum-Touch policies and/or other topics that people expressed concerns about. Although we support the free flow of ideas, we feel that the nature and tone of these topics were not only abusive to message board members, but also to the Quantum-Touch staff and organization. We no longer feel that discussions concerning QT policies are appropriate for the message board and encourage people to call or email the office if they would like to discuss Quantum-Touch policies. Also, we feel that some board users have abused the terms of service and we will be moving forward with access removal. If the abuse continues, we will consider disabling certain sections of the message board entirely.

    Please also refer to the Quantum-Touch Code of Ethics. Failure to adhere to the Code of Ethics is grounds for permanent decertification.

    Please remember that the board serves many people in our community, both those visiting the board and those who are registered users, and we encourage people to review the terms of service and to participate in a respectful manner.

    Not only are they taking posts down that they don't like but they are threatening the dreaded decertification if you don't take the hint.

    They actually had the nerve to quote Ghandi--

    Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. ~ Gandhi

    Hemi Sync

    I really like the Hemi Sync that I've listened to. I started using Binaural beats in some of my music with great results. Binaural beats influence the brain in more subtle ways through the entrainment of brainwaves.

    I created Binaural Theta Healing Meditation which is a music meditation with binaural beat technology to bring you to a deep theta brainwave state. Theta brainwaves are often associated with powerful meditations, energy healings, and manifestations. Other benefits of Theta brainwave patterns are deep relaxation, improved sleep, and lower stress.

    You can listen to a preview here:

    My first CD was call Shaman's Elemental Journey. Listen to samples at:
    I used some excellent drumming samples and lots of ambient nature sounds. It's a great experience.

    Sound Healing

    I've been a musician as long as I can remember. After becoming a Quantum-Touch Practitioner and Instructor, I started experimenting with ways to enhance the healing process.

    I truly resonated with using sounds for healing. (Pun intended) I started creating music to be played while I was doing a QT session. I would start by writing down my intention. Then using my computer and midi keyboard, I would play what ever came into my head. Often, it is an amazing process.

    I researched the different aspects of vibrations and brainwave frequencies. I then targeted different brainwave patterns for the desired effect. I took a course from Jonathan Goldman and learned his incredible toning techniques. My favorite quote from him is "Frequency to intent equals healing". I joined the Sound Healers Association

    I soon was creating so much music; I need new outlets for my meditation music. I started selling it on my webpage You could hear samples and download music from directly from the site. It was such a thrill when I sold my first download online. I had just turned 57 and sold my first music online!

    It has been a few years now and I have music on iTunes, Amazon. I recently completed a couple of Music Video Meditations - one called Shaman's Dream and another called Transformation I call them open eye meditations. I use animation and fractals for the visuals and combine them with some of my music.

    Working with sound has definitely been healing for me.
    I hope to post more soon about individual sound healing projects and brainwave entrainment.

    Thanks for listening.

    Thursday, April 29, 2010

    Quantum Update 2

    Recently Quantum Touch Inc. removed numerous posts from their message board There was not explanation - just a whim or knee jerk fear reaction to hearing valid complaints against new policies, broken contracts, etc. I took part in those posts because I hoped QT Inc would listen to the truth. Instead they just made it disappear. So, instead of carefully choosing words to make my case and stay on the boards that weren't even open to the public, I can now speak my mind and rant at will.

    Let me state for the record that I can recommend the book Quantum Touch but, no longer will I recommend the company or new work by the author.

    One positive outcome of the Quantum Touch organization 'going down in flames' is that I was inspired to create my own modality.

    Visit for more information.

    Universal Energy and the Stillness of Now

    Quantum Update

    Quantum-Touch is a legally trademarked name but the QT techniques can't be trademarked or controlled since it's simple breath and body awareness techniques. Call it what you will and keep doing it. The world needs us all to heal in whatever capacity we can!

    I've received only limited business or clients from the QT listing in the last 5 years. That would be the only reason to continue with their certification program. QT is not a household name. Hardly anyone has ever heard of it. It's a hard sell. I've done numerous free or low cost demo's at various events and fairs. I seldom get a call back for an actual session.

    I can't deal with Richard Gordon's attitude and poor business sense. Even though he may say that he is not responsible for Quantum Touch's business plan. He is a major part of the problem. Time to move on and stop wasting energy trying to get the company realize their mistakes. My certification as a practitioner does not expire even though Quantum-Touch decided to change the rules and break our contract. It is their loss.

    Wednesday, April 21, 2010

    What happened to Quantum-Touch?

    I think this post explains it all. It was reposted, with permission of the author, from the Quantum-Touch Practitioner message board. More to follow:

    I’d like to share with all of you one of my “life experiences.”

    Many years ago, as computers were first coming into their own, there was a great lack of knowledge about connecting computer peripherals – printers, scanners, monitors, cameras and such.

    A friend of mine in a far away country, recognizing this opportunity, began to conduct “Printer Connection” workshops. For less than $300 you could attend his class, and in less than 2 days you could learn how to connect your own printer (or someone else’s), whether it was a serial, parallel, or usb connection. He was very good at it, and soon many people were “connecting.” He also saw that there was a need for many people to learn this skill set quickly, and his time was limited. So many needs and so little time. What to do?

    He developed a system whereby a workshop attendee could attend repeat workshops, pay a one-time $100 fee, and become qualified as a “Printer Connection” Practitioner, with his blessings. Good deal. The students attended extra workshops. He even gave them a half-price special for repeat workshops. Some Practitioners charged for this printer installation service, and some offered it freely and gladly, especially for friends.

    He then figured out that if he were to require attendance at a few more workshops (and another one-time $100 fee), he could certify his student as a “Printer Workshop” Instructor, and the new P/W Instructor could then hold workshops for other students, collect $300 from each one, and send him 10% of the fees collected. The money would come rolling in.

    But gradually, the flaws in his plan began to appear. There were expenses. And not that much money.

    Over a period of time he saw his classes dwindling. And those of his Instructors, as well. Computers were becoming mainstream and people were reading the Owner’s Manual.

    He looked and looked for a way to increase the cash flow. He hired several management consultants. And by his own admission, they all cost him a lot of money.

    Finally, he tried a new consultant who convinced him that he could increase his cash flow with this consultant’s new program, called “Selling By Taking.” The premise was simple. Instead of giving support to all of his Practitioners and Instructors, he could “take” money from them by decreeing an annual renewal fee to maintain their certification. What a stroke of genius. So what if they didn’t care for it. Progress is often unpopular.

    So what if they rebelled and he lost half of them. That would still leave him a six-figure income every year, for doing nothing but decreeing: “Selling By Taking.” Brilliant.

    Besides, many would remain loyal. It’s not a question of ethics or morality – this is business.

    Well, some of his fans left him, moving on to bigger and better things – “if not this, something better.” Some refused to give in to extortion and were “unplugged.” And some willingly paid the fee so they could continue to install printers.

    And they all lived happily ever after.

    What does this have to do with my life’s experience?

    Well, as a computer specialist, I had quickly learned to install printers and other peripherals with a minimum of time. I could teach people to do that with their eyes closed and even over the phone, in a matter of minutes rather than days. Just couldn’t justify charging them $300, much less taking 2 days of their time. And if the occasional person wants some help with their computer, I’m still willing to give it.

    Yours in Truth,

    G L Arnold

    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    Now Reiki Manual and Meditations

    Finally everything about Now Reiki in one book complete with meditations.

    Now Reiki Manual

    Universal Energy and the Stillness of Now


    Five Music Meditations including:

    Chakra Activation Guided Meditation

    Transformation Music Meditation

    New Beginning Music Meditation

    Attunement Music Meditation

    Grounding Music Meditation

    Includes Now Reiki Master Certificate

    Become the Master you truly are.

    Saturday, April 10, 2010

    Founder of Quantum Touch ?

    I recently discovered this article about Richard Gordon and Quantum Touch. I don't know what really happened because I wasn't there but, there are plenty of conflicting stories from both sides. I do know that Quantum Touch or Regenesis or whatever you want to call it works. When you try to trademark or copyright energy healing, that seems to limit the whole concept. We are talk about Universal Life Energy - try taking that to the bank or filing it away in a book.

    Regenesis Healing developed in the early sixties by Robert Rasmusson A TRUE STORY

    By: Jannette

    Regenesis Healing, developed in the early sixties by the World-Famous Alternative Healer Robert Rasmusson. Regenesis is a holistic therapy which brings healing on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Due to a special exercise the energy will flow through the practitioner's hands whenever the hands are placed on, or held near a potential recipient, who can be clothed.

    Some teachings stress the importance of the practitioner's intention or presence in this process, while others claim that the energy is drawn by the recipient's injury to activate or enhance the natural healing processes. Going further, Regenesis energy is "intelligent", to activate the Healing proces.

    With Regenesis, treatments can be also initiated from a distance. This method, it is stated, involves a spiritual connection between the practitioner and the recipient, regardless of location, and then to send the Regenesis energy.

    Whole body treatment
    In a typical whole-body Regenesis treatment,the practitioner asks the recipient to lie down, usually on a massage table, and relax. Loose, comfortable clothing is usually worn during the treatment. The practitioner might take a few moments to enter a calm or meditative state of mind and mentally prepare for the treatment,that is usually carried out without any unnecessary talking.

    The treatment proceeds with the practitioner placing his hands on the recipient in various specific positions, depending of the injury or problem. However, practitioners may use a non-touching technique, where the hands are held a few centimetres away from the recipient's body, for some of the positions. The hands are usually kept still between 5 to 15 minutes depending on the problem before moving to the next position. Overall, the hand positions usually give a general coverage of the head, the front and back of the torso, the knees and feet. In Regenesis Between up to 180 specific positions are used, with the whole treatment lasting 45 to 90 minutes.

    Most practitioners start with the fixed hand positions decribed in the Manual. The intuitive approach might also lead to individual positions being treated for much shorter or longer periods of time.

    The recipient often feels warmth or tingling in the area being treated. A state of deep relaxation, combined with a general feeling of well-being, is usually the most noticeable immediate effect of the treatment, although emotional releases can also occur. As the Regenesis treatment is said to be stimulating natural healing processes, instantaneous "cures" of specific health problems are not usually observed. A series of three or more treatments, typically at intervals of 1 to 7 days, is usually recommended if a chronic condition is being addressed.Regular treatments, on an on-going basis, can be used with the aim of maintaining well-being. The interval between such treatments is typically in the range of 1 to 4 weeks, except in the case of self-treatment when a daily practice is common.

    Localized treatment
    Localized Regenesis treatments involve the practitioner's hands being held on or near a specific part of the body. Recent injuries are usually treated in this way,with the site of injury being targeted. There is great variation in the duration of such treatments, though 20 minutes might be typical.

    Regenesis in relation to Quantum-Touch from Richard Gordon.
    Regenesis is used as a basis for the basic workshop Quantum-Touch.
    Most readers of the book by Richard Gordon "a breakthrough in healing with your hands" have recognized that a part of the method and philosophy of Bob Rasmusson has been used.
    Beginning 1995 Richard Gordon became a student of Bob Rasmusson. He taught one or two more Regenesis workshops. He never became a Regenesis Practitioner or certified teacher.

    In April 1995, Robert Rasmusson participated in a holistic-health trade show. He was very upset to discover that Richard Gordon who was very keen to know Regenesis was also a participant in the trade show. He was lecturing on his new healing process, Quantum Touch ("Quantum" from Depak Chopra's book, Quantum Healing, and "Touch" from Touch for Health, another well-known energy modality). It ios believed that he was teaching the basic workshop of Regenesis under the name Quantum Touch.

    Richard Gordon and and Robert Rasmusson were never close friends. The relationship was always based on why and how the work functioned (achieved such miraculous results). After hearing how Richard took his work and called it Quantum Touch, Bob never saw Richard again. The person who Bob wanted to carry on the work after his retirement was not Richard Gordon but Jim Mann.
    Today, Jim man is a teacher in the USA and in Europe where he tech European students the Healing Art Regenesis
    Bob died on September 12, 2001 (one day after the attack on the Twin Towers) in 2001.

    We are two Quantum-Healing teachers and practitioners offering Healing courses based on the Quantum-Energy. We practise and teach our courses in the style of the founder of Regenesis, Robert Rasmusson, who used Regenesis to directly work on physical and emotional conditions.

    This article is free for republishing
    Printed From:

    Wednesday, April 07, 2010

    Thursday, March 25, 2010

    Transformation - Music Video Meditation

    A Music Video Meditation

    Explore this 52-minute transformational audio visual experience. Combining amazing digital altered state animation, fractals, theta brainwave entrainment patterns and the complete Quantum Conscious Soundtrack by Wizardnow. Enjoy this incredibly powerful journey of transformation and well being.

    Now on sale at

    Sunday, January 10, 2010

    Quantum Touch and Qtouch changes

    It has been a very satisfying to teach Quantum Touch classes since I was certified 3 years ago. I thank Richard Gordon for setting up the structure so that in addition to learning the QT technique myself, I had the opportunity to teach it to others. I have not been happy with every aspect of my experience with QT administration. I have put a considerable amount of time and money in my Quantum Touch practice. Quantum Touch administration has decided to change the way they do business - even though they have contracts in place with practitioners and instructors. Increased fees and lack of direction are not something I want to look forward to. In recent website postings, it’s become clear that Richard has been financially supporting QT in a major way. The business model they were using has not worked for them. So it seems changing the QT structure is part of his continuing empowerment. I do not feel in any way that QT administration owes me anything other than honoring contracts I have in place. Any class or action that I have taken to get certified was equally for self-growth as for certification. However unless, I am willing to pay new fees and agree to the new QT business model, I will be dropped from the roles as an instructor and practitioner of Quantum Touch. Currently, I have until October 2010 to decide. It really boils down to value. Can I find any value in a continued relationship with the Quantum Touch organization or not?


    My company's name is Qtouch. I own the business name. I use it for music, meditations, writing, workshops, and QT sessions. I will keep the name whatever I decide. I am starting to see these changes as an opportunity to develop my own way of energy work. In the end, everyone must find their own way and not rely on others and forces outside of themselves. It is the innerstillness and intention that is truly a positive healing force for life energy and not the "official Quantum Touch techniques". What will serve me best? Techniques have value, just as ritual and focus enhance a process. Living in an aware state of presence is the highest vibrational state I can realize and the most powerful.

    The same thing happened when I first learned Reiki. I ended up creating my own version called Now Reiki. As I combine different techniques and modalities, I also simplify and refine them. The process makes it more real and powerful for me and the others I work with.

    Stay tuned for the latest developments.

    Saturday, January 09, 2010

    New Years Om with Chimes

    Welcome the New Year with this Om and Chime Meditation. Experience the Om Chorus of the Qtouch Ascended Masters Choir™ mixed with gentle Tibetan Bells to open and enhance your awareness. Increase relaxation and focus with Theta brainwave patterns combined with the sound of Om in the 20-minute meditation experience.

    Time to move on. Create your own experience and find the inner peace and stillness you have been seeking. Find some tools you can use instead of being used as a tool.